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While Team GB limbers up for the winter Olympics, Visit England and RHP can help you go for gold in Green Business Tourism Awards (GBTS).
We recently spent a day in training, with our running shoes tied and legwarmers on (this bit’s not true… clearly, welly boots were more particular in this current climatic conditions) in the picturesque Norfolk Broads. RHP was limbering up one of the UK’s successful tourism businesses and helping them reach their goal of a Gold Green Tourism Business Scheme Award.
We used the Green Edge training materials in a ‘Train the Trainer’ format and these will be rolled out to inspire and enthuse the whole staff team. The feedback was great:
“thank you for your time yesterday. I found the session very interesting and it has given me some ideas as to how I can proceed with my Team training”
These sessions not only covers subjects like waste management and energy efficiency to help businesses save money, but also about how ‘green tourism’ can work for you as an individual business and the marketing benefits of running a responsible business. (If you achieve gold, you have to shout about it!)
Topics covered include:
• The reasons for being green
• Management actions to deliver green tourism
• Reducing costs and impacts
• Working with suppliers
• Adding a distinctive local feel
• Marketing and communicating your green credentials
Green Edge is a one-day training course that has been designed by the Regional Tourist Board Partnership, facilitated by Visit England’s Better Tourism Campaign and can be delivered by RHP. Why not sign up for Green Edge Training – securing a sustainable future for your business?
To register your interest in Green Edge Training visit or if you would like more information then please do contact us here!