How we can help

Reducing environmental impacts & resource costs

Whether it is climate change or single-use plastics, the environment has become more visible to tourists. Some consumers actively select experience providers with positive environmental credentials, others will call out poor performs. The good news is that simple and easy changes in everyday practice can deliver energy and water cost reductions of 6% or more, food procurement cost reductions of 4% and waste volume reductions of 20% for most tourism businesses. By working together within a destination, businesses can actively reduce evidence of environmental pollution as well as resource costs.

Many of our clients find that good environmental practices can also improve quality, build more resilient supplier relationships, win new business and build improved community engagement.

As well as bespoke research projects, RHP can help businesses to improve green credentials through:



We have worked with:

A Major tour operator – to deliver energy and water savings of €2 million across their estate

TUI Holidays – to support development of guidance for plastic waste reduction (to view the document, click here)

The Travel Foundation – to deliver energy, water and waste efficient advice across Cape Verde resulting in an Energy Globe award for the savings achieved on the greener hotels project. Find out more here

A major food service and facilities management business   to create a common understanding of the ways in which hospitality and food service businesses could benefit from food waste prevention initiatives and providing guidance to support them in delivering these benefits.

A major pub company – to help them assess the relationship between waste and profitability within their retail estate.

Major hotel groups –  to identify the saving potential from energy, water or waste efficiency programmes

A trade association –  to provide advice on sustainable procurement and the way in which this can support the delivery of cost savings within hotel businesses.